Monday, May 14, 2012

CIPAA Regulations and the Development of a Standardized BIM

I had chaired another BIPC (Building Industry President’s Council) Meeting on 7th May 2012 at RISM.  It was for the purpose of discussing two significant matters brought up by the Association of Consulting Engineers (ACEM), which will purportedly affect the building and construction industry.  Present in the meeting were Presidents (or their representatives) of Pertubuhan Arkitek Malaysia (PAM), Malaysian Institute of Planners (MIP), Institution of Engineers (IEM), Master Builders Association (MBA), Association of Consulting Engineers (ACEM), as well as the Real Estate and Housing Developers’ Association (REHDA).  Since the discussion would be dealing with matters affecting the building and construction industry, I’ve had the assistance of the Chair of Quantity Surveying Division, RISM (Sr Eddie Wong Weng Hong), who participated in the meeting as well.

Basically, two burning issues were brought up by ACEM; i.e.:
(i)            The involvement of industry players in the KLRCA Drafting Committee for the CIPAA regulations; and
(ii)          The development of a standardized BIM.

According to the Attorney General, the KLRCA should be charged with the nomination of adjudicators.  In this regards, KLRCA has been supposedly working on the CIPAA regulations that would provide for relevant aspects concerning adjudication and adjudicators.  However, as was with the case of formulating or the drawing up of CIPAA, KLRCA has not been involving the main industry players or stakeholders, with the exception of a few.  Personally, I believe that policies drawn up without having gone through the rigorous process of engagement with interested parties would eventually end up being shakeable. In government itself, with the recent fumble in the formulation of the new salary scheme, much more emphasis has been placed on this very important process of engagement with stake holders.

Building Information Modeling (BIM) is actually a new emerging approach to design and construction as well as facility management in which a digital representation of the building process is being created to facilitate the exchange of information in digital format. Despite the advantages that could be derived from this tool, the local construction industry is still reluctant to deploy it in its service delivery. BIM has in fact been accepted by a substantial number of construction professionals (especially Architects and Engineers); however, the majority is still using AutoCAD in their design services.

ACEM seems to have the competent people who had been previously involved and had the experience to assist in the the development of a standardized BIM.  The availability of a good BIM would evidently provide related professionals with the required tool to assist them in their work.  Since it is agreed that it would be very useful to have it made available, the meeting concurred that its development should be initiated and funding be seeked from CIDB for this purpose.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Young Achievers’ Award

The YAA National Final program went smoothly as planned on 21st April 2012 at Hotel Singgahsana, Petaling Jaya. There were 16 schools that participated - an additional 2 schools compared to last year, probably indicating greater interest from them. The activity actually started earlier on 20th April 2012 when the students as well as their teachers arrived at the hotel in the afternoon and were welcomed by the YAA Committee. It continued with a briefing and some presentations by all representatives of the 4 RISM Divisions in the evening.  And on that night itself an ice-breaking dinner was hosted at the hotel for all the participants.

The event on 21st April 2012 started with a brief opening address by me and the competition commenced with the students attending to the tasks given to them. A brief hip-hop dance show from a group of SPM school leavers during the break of the whole activity provided the entertainment that’s needed to neutralise the effect of the long wait while the school kids were indulging in their tasks. It was certainly entertaining to me and was a good break for all. The hip-hop dancing is quite physically demanding and seemed to be a good alternative as an activity for school kids to express themselves.

At the end of it all, the judges individually gave a summary of their findings, and subsequently came the much awaited announcement of the competition outcome.  It came to me as a surprise that last years’ winner, Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Sultan Ismail, Johor Bharu retained their championship - meaning to me that they were dead serious in winning; so is the 1st runner-up, i.e. Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Chung Ling, Penang.  There’s however a change in the 2nd runner-up, with Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan (Perempuan) Sultan Ibrahim, Johor Bharu winning the award.

RISM is certainly grateful to Sr Fadzillah and her committee members who had worked hard to successfully organize the event, the judges as well as all Councillors that were present to provide moral support.

The purpose of the event and other related details are evident in the extract of the short address given below:
Assalamualaikum dan Selamat Pagi,
Terlebih dahulu saya ingin mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada Jawatankuasa Penganjur  kerana telah menjemput saya ke Majlis Penyampaian Anugerah RISM Young Achievers’ Award 2012 Peringkat Kebangsaan pada pagi ini. Juga, sekalung tahniah kepada murid-murid dan guru-guru kerana telah berjaya mewakili kawasan masing-masing.
Tuan-tuan dan puan-puan,
RISM Young Achievers’ Award adalah suatu pertandingan yang dianjurkan oleh Pertubuhan Juruukur DiRaja Malaysia pada setiap tahun. Ianya bermula dari “Science and Technology Recipient Award” pada tahun 2000, dan kemudian telah bertukar nama dan dikenali sebagai “RISM Young Achievers’ Award” mulai tahun 2001 hinggalah ke hari ini. Pada tahun 2001 juga, Ahli Jawatankuasa Penganjur telah melebarkan sayapnya dengan membuka penyertaan kepada peringkat wilayah mengikut pembahagian cawangan-cawangan Pertubuhan Juruukur iaitu di Pulau Pinang, Lembah Klang,   Johor, Pantai Timur, Sabah dan Sarawak. Walaubagaimanapun, cawangan kami di Sabah dan Sarawak tidak dapat menyertai pertandingan pada tahun ini atas sebab-sebab yang tidak dapat dielakkan.
Tuan-tuan dan puan-puan,
Antara objektif utama pertandingan ini adalah untuk memperkenalkan kepada para pelajar empat bidang kerjaya profesional yang dipayungi oleh Pertubuhan Juruukur DiRaja Malaysia iaitu Jurukur Bangunan, Juruukur Bahan, Geomatik & Ukur Tanah dan Pengurus Harta, Penilai Dan Ejen Hartanah. Ianya bukan sahaja dapat membuka minda pelajar terhadap bidang ukur, malah diharap dapat menerapkan unsur-unsur lain yang berkaitan seperti ekonomi pembinaan, semangat kerjasama, daya saing dan kreativiti dikalangan pelajar. Pengetahuan berkaitan bidang profesional ini amat berguna kepada pelajar terutama mereka yang bakal meninggalkan bangku persekolahan; bagi membantu memperluaskan pengetahuan mereka mengenai kerjaya dalam industri pembinaan. Sehubungan itu, saya mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengucapkan syabas kepada semua murid yang telah berjaya sampai ke peringkat ini. Syabas juga diucapkan kepada guru-guru penasihat kerana telah membimbing para pelajar serta meluangkan masa dari kesibukan tugas harian untuk membantu dalam menjayakan usaha pelajar-pelajar mereka.
Program RISM Young Achievers’ Award ini telah dapat dikendalikan secara jaya dan berkesan dan ini tidak kurang juga merupakan hasil daripada penglibatan dan sokongan yang padu, terutama dari pihak penaja-penaja tertentu. Sehubungan itu, saya ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengucapkan berbanyak terima kasih kepada :
1.        Lembaga Jurukur Tanah, Malaysia
2.        Lembaga Penilai, Pertaksir Dan Ejen Hartanah, Malaysia
3.        Lembaga Pembangunan Industri Pembinaan, Malaysia
4.        Lembaga Juruukur Bahan, Malaysia
5.        Persatuan Juruukur Tanah atau PEJUTA
6.        C.H.Williams, Talhar & Wong Sdn Bhd
7.        Hashim Dan Lim Sdn Bhd
8.        Jurukur Bahan Antara
9.        Jurukur Terra Consult
10.      Metropolis Property Consultants Sdn Bhd
11.      Syarikat Loh Kam Lak, &
12.      Sr Previndran Sathurgasinghe
Pertubuhan Juruukur DiRaja Malaysia juga ingin merakamkan ucapan ribuan terima kasih kepada Bahagian Sekolah, Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia di atas sokongan padu yang diberi terhadap pertandingan Young Achievers’ Award ini. Kepada semua peserta, semoga berjaya dan semoga anda semua mendapat manfaat yang sebaiknya dari pertandingan ini.
Sekian dan saya sudahi dengan wabillah hi taufik walhidayah, wassalamualaikum warahmatullah hiwabarakaatuh.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Audience with HRH Sultan Selangor

Patience paid off when the request to seek an audience with HRH Sultan of Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah Alhaj Ibni Almarhum Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah Alhaj, was finally granted.  The main purpose for this was to actually deliver the box set of RISM’s 50 year Commemorative Book (Royal Edition) to him.  So, on 12th April 2012, nine of us made our way to Istana Kayangan, Shah Alam for the aforementioned meet.  They include myself, Dato’ Sr Abdul Manaf, Dato’ Sr Rahim Abdul Rahman, Dato’ Seri Sr Isahak Yusoff, Sr Dr. Wan Maimun Wan Abdullah, Sr Dr Yunus Yusoff, Katherine Thiang and Zarina.  Additionally, Sr Dr. Tunku Fauzi, RISM’s new CEO, who’s appointed on that same day, also accompanied us, whilst Sr Elvin Fernandez who’s supposed to be together in the delegation could not make it, due to ill-health.
I had initially anticipated the meet to last for about half an hour considering that it was actually for the sole purpose of delivering the book that we had earlier promised him, apart from probably a brief conversation on RISM’s developments after that.  However, it exceeded my expectations as it went on for about one and a half hour.  After a simple introduction by Dato’ Rahim, the book was subsequently handed-over and it then continued with the conversation, which dealt with a wide range of topics. HRH Tuanku seems to be in high spirits and jovial mood, sharing his thoughts on matters which include business, politics, religious affairs and administration.  At the same time we were informed by HRH Tuanku that he will be making it to our Annual Dinner on 23rd June 2012, meaning that the dinner will again be a black tie affair – something, which unexpectedly is well received by many.  One apparent observation from the conversation is that HRH Tuanku is a well-read and very knowledgeable person.  And that which impresses me most is his wisdom of always endeavoring to be steps ahead of others as a leader.
All in all, it was a good session and we left Istana Kayangan with a deep sense of satisfaction and gratitude that the Tuanku had been willing to share his precious time with us all.

Junjung Kasih Tuanku!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

RISM’s 5S Certification

RISM received the good news on 14 March 2012 that it had eventually been successful in the implementation of the 5S system and had been awarded the certification by the Malaysia Productivity Corporation. This certification was issued after auditing on the implementation of the system had been made by them on 17 February 2012. The certification itself was a recognition that RISM had fulfilled the set standards and it would be valid for a period of one year, i.e. from 17 February 2012 until 16 February 2013.

5S is the name of a management technique or tool that uses five Japanese words, which when translated means Sort, Set in Order, Shine, Standardize and Sustain.  It is actually a basic and fundamental systematic approach for the eventual outcome of quality and safe working environment as well as improved productivity, which would be suitable for most, if not for all businesses.  The system focuses on establishing a quality environment in the organization, ensuring adherence to standards and in the process, fosters the spirit of continual improvement. The program itself emphasises on having visual order, organization, cleanliness and standardization.  Among others, we can expect improved discipline and efficiency from the program. Actually, the underlying principles are simple, obvious common sense but until the advent of the program, these principles were conveniently ignored by us all.

The implementation of 5S, as part of the programme to improve RISM’s Secretariat, has been one of the targets that I’d earlier set for RISM.  There certainly is a lot of push involved before it finally gets going and subsequently the successful certification, after more than 6 months of preparation and implementation.  What would now be physically evident as the outcome are the cleanliness, orderliness and a more organised RISM office. I have to congratulate all staffs of RISM for their achievement, which without doubt involves some initial hard physical work in cleaning-up and putting things in order. Although there could be initial grouses in its implementation, but I believe at the end of it all, they were pleased with what they have done. 

My hope, and this had been regularly informed to all RISM staff, is that the implemented system will be maintained.  And this probably is among the difficult part because it involves discipline and the inculcation of good habits to ensure its sustenance!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

RISM’s Extraordinary General Meeting

An EGM was held by RISM on 23rd February 2012 for the main purpose of seeking approval to use a certain amount of money for renovation works to the RISM building.  Additionally, it was intended to amend parts of the Bye-Laws, which were considered inappropriate due to developments in RISM.

The conferment of royal status to ISM was already common knowledge.  Together with this uplift in status comes the responsibility of ensuring that we are also uplifted in other aspects.  And, this include the uplift that’s needed for our RISM building as well.  Evidently, we can’t be proud to host visitors to RISM in our current condition - to host them at the lower ground floor would be an embarrassment, what more if our guest is the Royal Highness himself, who is our patron, or even his palace officials. So, the least that should be done is to have a decent Board Room that could be used to not only host guests, but also for other purposes, including for conducting Council and Divisional meetings.  Apart from that, the signage will have to be changed in accordance with the institution’s name change, renovations be made to the 3rd Floor and Lower Ground Floor, as well as the lift to be upgraded to increase its speed.

The initial rough estimate for the aforementioned works is about RM 600,000; the major portion of which is for the works on the lift – it self estimated to be around RM 300,000.  Although the current and projected financial position of RISM for 2012 looks healthy, and we are in a position to take up the whole of those works concurrently, but the strategy is to undertake it in phases, i.e. the renovation works in the first and the lift work in the second phase.  In this context, the ample profits of the 2011 SEA Survey Congress and International Survey Congress would evidently be more than adequate to finance the renovation works, and as such pose no extra burden to RISM’s financial state.  However, the Bye-Laws has it that the spending of more than RM 50,000.00 would require the approval of the EGM, and obviously this would have to be abided.

The second object of the EGM is to amend the Bye-Laws dealing with the conversion of study loan to scholarship, admission of technicians and the definition of the newly introduced terminology - “Chapter”.

On the conversion of study loan to scholarship, it has been the norm for RISM to provide study loan to students undertaking studies in any of the four disciplines related to RISM.  Correspondingly, RISM believes that students should be motivated to excel in their studies; one form of incentive is to allow them to convert their loan to scholarship if they achieve excellent results upon graduation.  For this reason, amendment needs to be made to the Bye-Laws to provide for this conversion, albeit this has already been earlier practiced.

Pertaining to the proposed provision to cater for the admission of technicians, there has actually been an earlier introduction of another class of membership called “technician” in the Constitution, at the last EGM in June, 2011.  The technicians were constitutionally considered as non-corporate members - similar to graduate, probationer and student. However, no corresponding provision on the general rules for their admission has been made in the Bye-Laws, as with the other classes and hence the need to introduce this new section.

The third proposal is in regards to the need to provide for a definition on “Chapter” in the Bye-Laws.  This new term was introduced in the Bye-Laws, again at the last EGM in the 2012, to cater for the formation of the UK Chapter.  Due to the fact that there were definitions of Branch and Division, already in the Bye-Laws, it would thus be coherent to also have a definition of the Chapter incorporated as well.

All the aforementioned proposals were discussed at length, and it ended with positive outcomes; in short as follows:
i)          Approval of RM 250,000 to be spent on renovation works;
ii)        Approval of RM 300,000 for the lift upgrade, whenever the financial situation permits; and
iii)       Approval of all proposed amendments to the Bye-laws.

Thus, another important part of the work for RISM was cleared and the subsequent no-less important task of implementing the decisions will need to be undertaken.